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| ViewNX 2 Reference Manual

Introducing tips for ViewNX2 users

  • ViewNX 2: An Overview
  • Installing ViewNX 2: Windows
  • Installing ViewNX 2: Mac OS
  • Launching Nikon Transfer 2
  • Copying Pictures to a Computer
  • Thumbnails
  • The Image Viewer
  • Full-Screen Display
  • Photo Info (Metadata)
  • Viewing Pictures Taken with the Smart Photo Selector
  • Slide Shows
  • Movie Playback
  • Rating Pictures
  • Labelling Pictures
  • Sorting Pictures
  • Filtering
  • The Edit Display
  • Sharpness
  • Contrast
  • Brightness
  • Crop
  • Straighten
  • Saving JPEG and TIFF Pictures
  • Convert File
  • Creating Movies from Motion Snapshots
  • Retouching NEF/NRW (RAW) Pictures
  • Saving NEF/NRW (RAW) Pictures
  • Other Image Adjustment Tools
  • The Movie Editor
  • Printing Pictures
  • Print Information
  • Index Prints
  • Web Services
  • GPS
  • Sending Pictures by E-Mail