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Technical Solutions | Z 7/Z 6 TIPS

Split-Second Shots

Ordinary burst photography may fail to capture the decisive moment of a golf swing or other fast-moving event. For split-second shots the like of which you've never taken before, try switching to movie mode, where the camera can record photos at up to 120 fps while the shutter-release button is pressed.

1 Select movie mode.

Rotate the photo/movie selector to .

2 Set the frame size and rate to 1920 × 1080; 120p.

The number of shots the camera takes per second is equivalent to the frame rate chosen for Frame size/frame rate in the movie shooting menu or for Frame size and rate/image quality in the movie-mode menu. For a frame rate of 120 fps, choose 1920 × 1080; 120p. The photos will be the same dimensions as the movie frame and have an aspect ratio of 16:9.

3 Choose Continuous release mode.

Press the () button, rotate the main command dial to highlight Continuous, and then press .

4 Choose the focus and AF-area modes.

Set the focus mode to AF-C and the AF-area mode to Dynamic-area AF.

5 Rotate the mode dial to "M".

Exposure cannot be adjusted manually in modes P and S when movie mode is selected. Choose mode M to make your own adjustments to aperture, ISO sensitivity, and other exposure settings.

6 Adjust exposure.

Adjust shutter speed, aperture, and ISO sensitivity. To reduce blur caused by subject motion, choose a shutter speed at least as fast as 1/1000 s.

7 Focus.

Press the shutter-release button halfway or press the AF-ON button to focus.

8 Take pictures.

Press the shutter-release button the rest of the way down and keep it pressed to shoot a burst of up to three (Z 7) or two (Z 6) seconds. Pictures will be taken even if the camera fails to focus.

Taking Photos in Movie Mode

Photos are recorded in JPEG fine format. Flicker reduction is disabled.