Troubleshooting Remote Camera Connections

Incorrect IP Addresses

Check that the correct remote camera IP addresses (0 Connecting Z 9 Cameras to FTP Servers, Connecting D6 Cameras to FTP Servers, and Connecting D5 Cameras to FTP Servers for the Z 9, D6, and D5, respectively) have been entered on the master camera or in the NX Field app.

Duplicate IP Addresses

Check that none of the remote cameras share an IP address (0 Connecting Z 9 Cameras to FTP Servers, Connecting D6 Cameras to FTP Servers, and Connecting D5 Cameras to FTP Servers for the Z 9, D6, and D5, respectively) with the master camera, iPhone, or iPad.

Group Name Mis-match

Check that the group name selected on the remote cameras (0 Choosing a Group Name, Choosing a Group Name, and Choosing a Group Name for the Z 9, D6, and D5, respectively) matches that selected on the master camera or in the NX Field app.