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Some things to note when filming.

Keeping the Camera Cool

If live view is used continuously for extended periods, the camera's internal temperature will rise, causing noise (bright spots, randomly-spaced bright pixels, or fog) to appear in images. Use live view only when taking pictures. Note that live view does not end when menus are displayed; unless you intend to resume shooting immediately, exit live view before using the menus.

Image Artifacts

Flicker, banding, or distortion may be visible in the monitor and in the final movie under fluorescent, mercury vapor, or sodium lamps, when power aperture is in use, or if the camera is panned horizontally or an object moves at high speed through frame. Jagged edges, color fringing, moiré, and bright spots may also appear. Bright bands may appear in some areas of the frame with flashing signs and other intermittent light sources or if the subject is briefly illuminated by a strobe or other bright, momentary light source. Noise (randomly-spaced bright pixels, fog, or lines) and unexpected colors may be more noticeable if you zoom in on the view through the lens during live view.

The Flicker reduction option (see this section) in the movie shooting menu can be used to reduce flicker under fluorescent, mercury vapor, or sodium lamps. The desired results may not be obtained if the subject is very bright, in which case you should try a smaller aperture (higher f-number).

Ending Recording

If the maximum length is reached, the memory card fills, the battery runs low, the live view selector is rotated to , the lens is removed, or the camera overheats, filming will end automatically and all footage shot to that point will be saved. No movie will be recorded if the battery is removed during filming.

Unavailable Menu Options

Menu items that are grayed out can sometimes be accessed by changing camera settings.

Movie Shooting Menu

Image area
Image area Not available if slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section).
Frame size/frame rate
Frame size/frame rate Not available if Image area is assigned to a control using Custom Setting g1 (Custom control assignment, see this section).
Movie quality
Movie quality Not available if 4K UHD or slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section).
White balance
Preset manual

Copy from existing photograph

  • Check that a memory card is selected as the destination and that it is inserted, formatted, undamaged, and contains at least one photo.
  • Ensure the selected preset is not protected.
  • Wait for recording (including multiple exposure photography) to end.
Set Picture Control


Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.


Quick adjust

Not available in movie mode.


Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.


Quick adjust

Not available in movie mode.


Does not apply to movies.

Custom Picture Controls 1-9

Quick adjust

Not available in movie mode.


Does not apply to movies.


Not available if the Picture Control uses a custom tone curve edited using Picture Control Utility 2.


Not available if the Picture Control uses a custom tone curve edited using Picture Control Utility 2.

Manage Picture Control
Manage Picture Control Wait for recording (including multiple exposure photography) to end.


Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.


Quick adjust

Not available in movie mode.


Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.



Does not apply to movies.


Quick adjust

Not available in movie mode.


Does not apply to movies.

Custom Picture Controls 1-9

Quick adjust

Not available in movie mode.


Does not apply to movies.


Not available if the Picture Control uses a custom tone curve edited using Picture Control Utility 2.


Not available if the Picture Control uses a custom tone curve edited using Picture Control Utility 2.

  • Check that the memory card is inserted, formatted, and undamaged.
  • Exit image transfer mode.
Delete from card Ensure that the memory card is not write protected.
Copy to card Ensure that the memory card is not write protected.
Active D-Lighting
Active D-Lighting Not available if 4K UHD or slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section) or if focus peaking is enabled (see this section).
Microphone sensitivity
Microphone sensitivity Not available if slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section).
Attenuator Not available if slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section).
Frequency response
Frequency response Not available if slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section).
Wind noise reduction
Wind noise reduction Not available with external microphones or if slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section).
Time-lapse movie
Time-lapse movie
  • Use a CPU lens.
  • End multiple exposure, interval timer, focus shift, bracketing, and HDR photography.
  • Set the camera clock.
  • Exit image transfer mode.
  • Disconnect the HDMI cable.
  • Choose a shutter speed other than bulb or time.
  • Disable the negative digitizer.
Start time
  • Check that the shooting time is longer than the Interval.
  • Ensure there is enough space on the memory card to record the time-lapse movie.
  • Wait for recording to end.
  • End image upload.
  • If 4K UHD is selected for Frame size/frame rate, confirm that the total length of the movie (calculated by dividing the shooting time by the interval to determine the number of frames and then dividing the number of frames by the frame rate) is less than 3 minutes.
Electronic VR
Electronic VR Not available if 4K UHD or slow-mo is selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section) or if focus peaking is enabled (see this section).

The -Button Menu (Movie Mode)

Movie Shooting Menu for items that are also included in the movie shooting menu.

Monitor brightness
Monitor brightness If the camera is connected to an HDMI device, select On for HDMI (see this section) > Advanced > Dual monitor.
Multi-selector power aperture
Multi-selector power aperture Select Off for Multi-selector exposure comp..
Multi-selector exposure comp.
Multi-selector exposure comp. Select Off for Multi-selector power aperture.
Peaking level
Peaking level

The -Button Menu (Movie Recording)

Movie Shooting Menu for items that are also included in the movie shooting menu.

Microphone sensitivity
Microphone sensitivity Not available in slow-motion movie mode or during recording if Off was selected when recording began.
Off Not available during recording if an option other than Off was selected when recording began.
Attenutator Not available in slow-motion movie mode or if recording began with Off selected for microphone sensitivity.
Frequency response
Frequency response Not available in slow-motion movie mode or if recording began with Off selected for microphone sensitivity.
Wind noise reduction
Wind noise reduction Not available with external microphones, in slow-motion movie mode, or if recording began Off with selected for microphone sensitivity.
Multi-selector power aperture
Multi-selector power aperture Select Off for Multi-selector exposure comp.
Multi-selector exposure comp.
Multi-selector exposure comp. Select Off for Multi-selector power aperture.
Peaking level
Peaking level Not available during recording if recording began with 4K UHD or slow-mo selected for Frame size/frame rate (see this section) or Off selected for Electronic VR (see this section), Active D-Lighting (see this section), or Highlight display(see this section)

The Photo Shooting Menu

Interval timer shooting
Interval timer shooting
  • Set the camera clock.
  • Exit image transfer mode.
  • End negative digitizer, time-lapse, and focus shift photography.
  • End multiple exposure photography.
  • Choose a release mode other than (selftimer).
  • If Record movies is selected for Custom Setting g1 (Custom control assignment) > Shutter -release button (see this section), rotate the live view selector to (photo live view).
Silent photography End bracketing and multiple exposure photography.
Interval priority End bracketing.